2018 GD USA "Responsible Designer to Watch"
I have been named one of the 2018 "Responsible Designers to Watch" by GD USA (Graphic Design USA). Read the cover-story article in the October 2018 print issue.

2016 GD USA Health + Wellness Design Award
As part of the ARCW Public Affairs/Marketing team, I have been awarded a 2016 "GD USA Health + Wellness Design Award" for the design of the "PrEP Yourself" Campaign. Look for the work in the October 2016 "Health + Wellness Design Awards Annual" of GD USA.

2015 GD USA American Package Design Award
I have been awarded a 2015 "GD USA American Package Design Award" for the design of 2014 AIDS Walk Wisconsin & 5K Run P-O-P AND Trading Cards. Be sure to look for the work in the April 2015 "American Package Design Awards Annual" of GD USA.

2012 GD USA American In-House Design Awards (3)
I have been awarded three (3) 2012 "GD USA American In-House Design Award(s)" for my in-house design work for |The AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin: Doug Nelson Retirement Party Invite & Materials | 2011 Year End Donor Appeal Booklet | 2011 Holiday Season Food Pantry Appeal. Be sure to look for this work in the July/August 2012 "American InHouse Design Awards Annual" of GD USA.

2010 Semi-Annual (Winter) American Design Award
As part of the Diamond Nexus Labs design team, I have been awarded the 2010 "Winter Semi Annual American Design Award" of 3rd place for our Diamond Nexus Labs Corporate Identity System. The work can be seen in the 2010 American Design Awards Annual published that year.

2010 GD USA American In-House Design Award
As part of the Diamond Nexus Labs design team, I have been awarded the 2010 "GD USA American In-House Design Award" for our in-house rebranding of Diamond Nexus Labs (Logo, Letterhead Package, Supporting Print, and Web Materials). Be sure to look for the work in the July/August 2010 "American InHouse Design Awards Annual" of GD USA on newsstands.